Part 106: 01/07/10 - 01/10/10: Adamah The Earth Below (Intermission)

January brings with it our first genuinely completely free days. Since we've maxed out every link we can do on off-days (that aren't Sundays), we have nothing to do today!

At least we get to see Lisa on the TV again. There's no one from Persona 1 or 2 with a birthday in January, so Trish's segment won't be coming back again unfortunately.

Since today is free for whatever, I'm just gonna use it for a cheap stat boost at the arcade because fuck it, why not.

And then we're gonna do something more important and take Koromaru out for a walk.

Boy, that sure sounds important.
> You spoke with Aigis for a while.

Going back to school on a Friday seems incredibly weird, all things considered. I dunno, it just feels off to me.

In the off-chance that you're just not talking to anyone, ever, this might be the first time you can get confirmation of their being a cult. The posters and stuff made it obvious, yeah, but they're not acknowledged for all of December so...
Listening Student: Hey, don't call it that if you don't know anything about it. The Fall is coming; it's already decided.
Gossiping Student: Oh... Well, if it's already decided, then it can't be helped. By the way, about the homework for second period...
> The first bell has rung.
That they're so casual about The Fall seems weird, but considering to normal people that's just a dumb cult thing it makes more sense.

If you really want to hate English pronunciation and homophones, then I recommend trying to read The Chaos Poem. It's something special, that's for sure.

Really wanna make sure you know that there's definitely a cult around. Two unmissable mentions of it today, huh.

Friends to the end, ain't we my friend? We kinda blend together. Coffee and cream: boy, what a team! You'll never find two other guys, compatible as steak and fries...

Since we're back to school now, we can head right on back to the roof and see that these two are back here.

It's surprisingly mundane, all things considered. Not even considering using the impending Fall as a shite excuse, which is a nice thing to see really.

Anyway, we'll head back to the classroom and speak with Aigis. She did ask last night after all.

So, this scene was a new addition for FES. The entire conversation up to this wasn't even in the original vanilla release, either.

> You sense faint affection from Aigis.

> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

The biggest change for The Journey in FES is that it adds a new Link. As you might remember from forever ago, Edogawa gave an explanation of the Major Arcana in what he erroneously called the Thoth deck. I alluded to it then, but Aeon is what replaces Judgement in the actual Thoth deck.

We even already have an Aeon persona, by the way. You may, or may not, have noticed in a boss fight at some point that we have Uriel in our stock. Uriel was in Vanilla, as a level 54 Tower Persona oddly, but here he got upped a bunch to the first Aeon Persona at level 63. There's only 5 Aeon persona total, including the rank 10 unlock, so I'm glad to already not have to worry about it.
And, yes, this is the real last Social Link now.

> Aigis looks somewhat lonely.
> You decided to go back to the dorm.

Well, I wouldn't say that. Doomsday cults aren't really THAT common.

Why would you want to keep the death cult that's getting people hyped up for The Fall?!

Newscaster: Due to the epidemic, the parents are unable to visit their relatives, and...
It's pretty conspicuous how that's everyone but Junpei, huh? Don't worry, since you likely noticed that Koromaru's not there either...

'Scos they're both up on the second floor.

> Koromaru tilted his head.

Ah, what the hell, it's a short climb so we'll squeeze some more Tartarus in now. Much like with part of Harabah, this is just a nothing climb really...

Well, mostly. We did manage to pick up a special new gun for Aigis that I will definitely give her once we get back downstairs.

Really not much else of note until floor 224. That's when Fuuka manages to find the next boss. Disappointing return to the normal trend there, really.

But, hey, we get another Judgement rank at that point too.

But that's it. Because there's no new Shadows at this point, it was just pure luck that determined getting the Brigid's Flame. Well, we're at the boss floor already, so we'll take a brief detour as per usual.

We'll give Aigis her sweet new gun, while we're at it. Over 300 Attack, a decent Accuracy and it has a fixed added effect for good measure. It always gives Aigis +3 to St/Ma/En/Ag/Lu which is pretty nice, all things considered.

Somehow I managed to get the missing Platinum Medal. I'm shocked too.

Akihiko's joke weapon. It's exactly the same as the rest of 'em and thus completely fucking useless at this point. Thanks, Elizabeth.
Plus side: there's only 8 requests left in total and they all have decent rewards. Two in particular are extra special, but we'll get to them when we get to them.

Also Makoto is level 68 now. That means he can make Cybele (she's okay) and more importantly Abaddon. Abaddon isn't super-great or anything, but we want him here because of his Heart item, The Tome of the Void. He gets it at level 74 (so one level after fusion!) and it grants really early access to an otherwise unique-to-one-Persona passive ability called Unshaken Will.
Unshaken Will is Persona 3's Null Ailment skill. Kind of. Persona 3 is weird because it has ailment elements, but this never really comes up or matters because they're almost all Mind elemental. The only ones that aren't are Poison, Shock and Freeze (but Shock and Freeze are so niche and rare that no one cares). If you get the chance to see Unshaken Will's help text, it does clarify that it's protection from "mental ailments" but the Heart Item claims all ailments period. This is a bit misleading because it's just Null Mind instead.
Don't worry, that's less complex than it seems. Persona 3's just being wacky is all. Let's do something that's just as simple as it seems and beat up some snakes.

Nah, these snakes aren't powerful at all.

They're also really boringly simple, honestly. If you have anyone that's immune (or better) to Fire, they cast Fire Break. There's 3 of them. Junpei and Koromaru are guaranteed to be Fire immune at this point and, by the way, Abaddon nulls Fire too. There goes their entire first round.

There's other stuff they can do afterwards, but they're easy to lock down in the most uninteresting ways possible. Got any buffs up? Dekaja'd. They can cast Dekunda too, but that's rarer.

If there's nothing else that catches their attention as a priority, they'll just go for like an Agidyne or Maragidyne usually.

Sometimes they'll shake things up and try to cast Mudoon... or Mamudo... but that's less likely.

They can also buff too. Tetrakarn's the only one I got them to use over like 4 different runs, though, and that was after critting all 3 at once with Myriad Arrows. They can also cast Tarukaja or Rakukaja, but not Suku. Only single-target stuff, though.
But, well, that's it really. They CAN cast Life/Spirit Drain too but really who cares? Oh no, a fixed 35HP/20SP.

1600 HP/SP, 46 Strength, 57 Magic, 36 Endurance, 33 Agility and 45 Luck. All very ho hum. Tetrakarn was obviously because they're susceptible to all 3 Phys elements, sure. But their elemental resistances are odd because they're Fire, Elec and Wind. Notably not Ice for whatever reason. If you've got it, you could give Mitsuru the Blazing Flame (from Surt) and she'll run roughshod over these guys.

3 bosses left, and so far each one has given an odd rank for the link. Something's obviously gonna change for that because it's impossible for that pattern to keep up the entire time.

2 Eggs this time is what we get from the loot just past the Snakes. Sure, why not, I guess.

Don't worry, next time we go to Tartarus it'll be more substantial. And involve something worth our time more than the Carnal Snakes and Noble Seekers.

Today's a super-short day with no school scenes of any kind. Before we go do something else, we'll take a trip to the Antiques Store and make Akihiko a real new pair of gloves. Cybele gives us our sixth unique weapon, and it's a classic pairing at this point of "elemental damage and appropriate boost" for good measure. Its accuracy is a bit bleh, but the attack power is a good boost for Aki at least.

That queued up ready to collect on Monday, we'll go hang out with Mitsuru.

> There's a melancholy tone to Mitsuru's voice...

> You understand how Mitsuru feels.
> Your relationship is stronger now.

Mitsuru's really good at just ending her link scenes immediately after the rank up, huh.

We just went, dude. We're not going back today.

"Hiding" their study habits sure isn't a thing that's true at all. Especially for Mitsuru.

Newscaster: Going into the month, safety-related companies are seeing large gains. The apocolyptic thinking that's spreading among the populace is said to be a major factor...
Of course TV stuff is just about people profiting monetarily off The Fall. It was pretty inevitable, really.

And so we don't end on that note, I'm glad we've got time for another day.

Only Junpei and Mitsuru have something new to say, and even then Mitsuru's thing is just repurposed from Junpei's last night.

I'm pretty glad and relieved that Phoenix Ranger Featherman R manages to be appropriately nonsense for a tokusatsu show, even now.

But, anyway, it's Sunday so that means we're off to see Akinari!

> Akinari wears a calm smile.

Honestly, it's not what Akinari intends at all but it's really easy to read this as a message about your legacy in the things you leave behind.

> You can understand Akinari's kindness.
> Your relationship is stronger now!

> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

In a perfectly timed moment, we gained access to Asura for if Makoto ever hits level 85 (no). Asura's pretty okay, but most noteworthy is that Unshaken Will just-so-happens to be his unique skill! He even starts with it innate, for good measure.

> Akinari is gone.
> You gripped his notebook tightly and decided to head back to the dorm.
So, uh... Akinari was already dead. Probably not the entire time, but it's technically possible I guess. That sure makes this the most conclusive link ending possible at least.